Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

VShape uses a unique combination of radiofrequency and ultrasound energy to warm the fat layer and deep layers of the skin, visibly improving the shape and contours of the body. This combination of two energies is distinctive to VShape and is the reason that it is uniquely effective. Cold ultrasound shear waves selectively destroy fat, and radiofrequency energy increases its metabolism resulting in fast lymphatic drainage.

VShape also causes collagen fibers to contract, tightening the skin and improving its texture while also building new collagen. Sagging skin becomes not so saggy anymore. Given its unique combination of technologies VShape works on multiple layers of the skin simultaneously. It’s truly a revolutionary treatment.

Is VShape safe?

VShape has been used throughout the world for over five years with no serious side effects. It works on all skin types – it doesn’t matter how dark or light your skin is. It is safe for treatment on virtually any area of the body. You may see some redness of the skin after treatment, but that’s all. At Vivesse, we only use licensed medical and nursing professionals, who have been through in-depth training and have the knowledge to make your treatment a success!

Is VShape painful?

Not at all. Gradual heating and an integrated cooling system prevent pain. The result – comfortable treatments.

How long does a treatment take?

The typical treatment takes 30 to 60 minutes depending on how large an area we are treating.

How many treatments will I need?

We recommend a course of up to six treatments separated by three weeks and sell treatments as a package. The fat reduction is permanent, though fat may again accumulate at a later time. Future touch-up treatments may be necessary. It varies by individual.

Is there any downtime?

None at all. You can immediately resume normal activities after a treatment session.

Is VShape right for me?

For skin tightening – If you have sagging skin, you should decide between VShape and Profound.  VShape is totally non-invasive, requires six treatments and gives moderately good results.  There is no downtime.  Profound gives dramatic results with just one treatment.  It is minimally invasive but does involve insertion of microneedles and mild discomfort.  You will have some downtime.  The choice is yours.  If you’re looking for that wow factor and you’re willing to tolerate some inconvenience, go with Profound.  Otherwise, use VShape.

For fat reduction – VShape is ideal for people who want to lose a few inches.  To put it technically, it’s good for people with a BMI (body mass index) less than 30.  Emsculpt is also a good alternative.  It has the advantage of increasing abdominal definition but requires maintenance.  If you are significantly above this BMI or need to lose more than a few inches, then consider Vaser or the Clean Start Rapid Weight Loss hCG program.