Every idea starts with a problem.  Ever since I reached a certain age, I have struggled with my weight.  I started to hate to look at myself in the mirror.  I tried all the diets – Atkins, Paleo, Nutrisystem – you name it.  I paid to work out with a personal trainer three days a week.  Ouch, that really hurt my pocketbook.  Some of this stuff worked for a little while and then I gained back the weight.  What’s worse I had lots of saggy skin.

Then I got interested in aesthetic medicine and opened Vivesse, my own med spa, in 2007.  I went to lots of conferences; I always loved to learn, and there was so much cool technology to see and hear about.  As the field matured, it got around to treatments for fat, sagging skin, and cellulite.

So, I decided to find out how common these problems are.  Using Survey Monkey, I sent out a survey to 600 random women.  60% of women said they wanted to lose inches off their abdomen, thighs or arms.  35% of women complained of loose sagging skin.

And thus the Body Contouring Center at Vivesse was born.

What we do

We bring together the newest cutting-edge technology to treat fat, sagging skin, double chin, and cellulite.  We can even build abdominal musculature and give you a butt lift.  All under one roof.  And with an expert staff that can guide you through a confusing array of different technologies.  There are a lot of treatments out there.  We made sure that we have the ones that work.

Who it’s for

Women and men who struggle with too many inches, sagging skin, cellulite or a double chin.  You may have tried lots of “solutions” like I did, and may be frustrated.  Or, you just don’t have enough willpower. At the Body Contouring Center, we don’t judge you.  With technology, you can check your willpower at the door and still get the results that you want.  And if you only want to lose weight, we have the Clean Start hCG weight loss program.  You can only get it from a certified doctor.  In about a month you can lose up to 30 pounds.

Why we’re special

Quite simply, because we combine all the technologies and we’re specially trained in each of them.  Sure, you can go anywhere and get Coolsculpting.  But is that really the best treatment for you?  And even if it works, is it going to get rid of your cellulite or sagging skin or double chin.  Or increase your abdominal definition.  At the Body Contouring Center, we only use FDA-approved technologies.  Plus, we have specially trained staff who know when to use which technology and how to do it.

How it works

Everything starts at the Body Contouring Center with your initial assessment.  You will meet with the coordinator of the program.  We’ll measure your BMI (body mass index), body composition and BMR (basal metabolic rate).  Then, we’ll ask what it is that bothers you.  Even if we see something that we think is a problem we’re not going to twist your arm to fix it if you don’t care about it.  That’s just more money and treatment time.  Lastly, the coordinator will come up with a personalized plan for you.  One that addresses your concerns.  Then, you make your appointment, and you’re on your way to a better you.

Lori L. Greenwald, MD PC

Connecticut’s Premier Vein Care Center
(860) 761-6666

Vivesse is the only full-service cosmetic medicine center housed with
a full-service vein center
(860) 286-8000

Individual results and patient experience may vary.